About us

merel instruments

On domestic market Merel d.o.o. represents commitment to customers by offering analytical equipment from different world leading producers. With different approach, solid technical support and sparkling marketing, we are in a leading position. Based on more than 30 years of tradition (founded in 1989), Merel d.o.o. today employs 19 talented and dedicated members, spread over three offices in three countries.
Globally we are challenging markets with specific products and on-demand research, development and prototyping from different areas.

Merel d.o.o.
Proizvodno, svetovalno in trgovsko podjetje d.o.o.

Company Headquarters
Kobanska ulica 10
2351 Kamnica

Persons Authorized to Represent
Matjaž Golič, direktor
Jože Golič, prokurist

Office Hours:
every weekday from 8:00 to 16:00

Fax: +386 2 229 73 91

ID Number: SI12039888
Company Number: 5292816
Bank Account: 03121-1000625948 at SKB Bank
IBAN CODE: SI56031211000625948

Welcome to Merel Instruments, where innovation meets excellence in the field of chemistry, chemical technology, and analytics. Over the past decade, we’ve strengthened our footing at a global level, embracing complex challenges and delivering high-end solutions in the field of scientific advancement.

Our journey to global recognition

merel instruments

At Merel Instruments, our devotion to research and development has significantly intensified in the last decade. We’ve successfully completed numerous demanding projects, dividing our focus between two main segments. 

The first includes tailored development projects, where clients present a clearly defined issue and our development team crafts a unique solution. The second segment is dedicated to the development of our proprietary products in three key areas:

  • analysis of transformer oils, 
  • collaborative laboratory furniture and 
  • dissolution apparatus in the pharmaceutical industry.

Pioneering collaborative laboratory solutions

merel instruments

Our collaborative laboratory furniture, especially the collaborative robotic laboratory surface, has sparked immense interest worldwide, leading to an increasing demand from global markets. As we continually ship these innovative surfaces to places as diverse as Ireland and the USA, our commitment to revolutionizing laboratory environments grows stronger.

Automating pharmaceutical processes

merel instruments

In the pharmaceutical sector, we are proud to have our dissolution apparatus included in the catalog of Agilent, a renowned manufacturer, for over seven years. Building on this success, we have introduced additional components that have led to the complete automation of the dissolution process. Merel Instruments stands as the first company globally to achieve such an automation level, revolutionizing the industry and garnering acclaim from professionals worldwide.

Fusion of collaborative robotics and laboratory furniture

merel instruments

We thrive at the intersection of collaborative robotics and laboratory furniture. Our unique approach combines these two domains to automate simple laboratory processes efficiently. Our interdisciplinary team, equipped with extensive knowledge in chemistry, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, robotics, electrical engineering, and programming, has reimagined laboratory processes. This innovative combination allows laboratory technicians and robots to share the same space, tripling laboratory work’s speed and significantly enhancing employee safety conditions.

Our commitment

merel instruments

At Merel Instruments, we are committed to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the laboratory environment. Through our interdisciplinary approach and continuous innovation, we aim to provide products and solutions that not only meet the current demands of the industry but also anticipate future needs, ensuring our clients are always one step ahead.

Join us in our journey of innovation and excellence, as we continue to make strides in automating and enhancing the world of scientific research and development. 

Welcome to Merel Instruments – where the future of laboratory technology is being shaped today!

Naši začetki segajo v leto 1989, ko je gospod Jože Golič ustanovil svojo obrtno delavnico za popravilo laboratorijskih aparatur. Dejavnosti so se kasneje razširile še na prodajo in povezali smo se s takrat svetovno znanima proizvajalcema laboratorijske opreme VanKel in Varian.

Od takrat pa vse do zdaj smo svoje znanje konstantno nadgrajevali in postali vodilni partner za spektroskopijo in za aparature vrednotenja farmacevtskih oblik na področju Slovenije.

Merel today

merel instruments

Merel ima danes močno tradicijo in veliko znanja ter redno sodeluje z več kot 10 svetovno znanimi proizvajalci merilne opreme in pripomočkov za analize.

Na seznamu naših referenc je:

  • več kot 20 ICP instrumentov
  • več kot 40 AAS spektrometrov
  • več kot 80 Spektrofotometrov
  • več kot 100 aparatur za testiranje farmacevtskih oblik
Od aprila 2008 je Merel d.o.o. lastnik certifikata kakovosti ISO 9001:2000.
Certifikacijski organ: TÜV SÜD Management Service GmbH
Registrska številka certifikata: 12 100 33604 TMS

Za stranke sodelovanje z nami pomeni

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merel instruments

Strokovno svetovanje in pomoč.

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Vzdrževanje in validiranje opreme v najkrajšem možnem času ali na željene termine.

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Kratke dobavne roke originalnih in neoriginalnih nadomestnih delov.

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Konkurenčne cene izdelkov in storitev.

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