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Dissolution Surveillance System
The basic model is a simple recorder. With some unique features such as motion detector and LED illumination it is able to record good quality videos for six vessels.
Software & system
With a unique design and powerful software the dissoGUARD® is a dissolution surveillance system that will revolutionize the way you see the dissolution procedure.
Cameras & export
The basic version
The basic version
Guard your dissolution procedure
Do YOU know what is happening with your Dissolution Apparatus between periodical OQ/MQs?
What do YOU do if periodical OQ/MQ fails?
Were the timings and position of manual sampling correct?
Were baskets placed properly in the last run?
Available for
Designed for Agilent 708-DS and 709-DS Dissolution Apparatus.
For other models please contact us.
By clicking and activating the RPM button, the measurement of rotation per minute (RPM) will be activated and the user will notice a RPM: written in all positions. The measurement of RPM only works with stainless steel paddles and is measured for each individual paddle separately. If the baskets are used, the function is still active on systems equipped with the optional 7th camera. In this case, the paddle should be fitted in position 7 of the dissolution, and consequently the RPM measurement is only active in position 7.
The Wobble detection function is a simple but very effective way to quickly determine the excessive wobble of an individual basket or paddle. Once the function is activated, the linear video of a basket/paddle rim will be displayed on the bottom of every video. When the paddle or basket is rotating, the wobble will be shown as a wave in the linear video. For wobble close to 0mm, the user should see a flat line of a rim. The height of a linear video should be set to represent a total of 2mm of actual video size. That means that once the wobble is near the upper limit, the rim will touch or exceed the linear video. That gives the user information that the wobble might be excessive.
The Wobble function is also very sensitive to the appropriate height of paddles/baskets. If you are not able to see a rim of the paddle or the basket in the linear video (or if it shifted from the center of the linear video), that means the height is misaligned. Recheck the height of paddles or baskets.
By clicking and activating the Motion function, you will notice the red/green dot in the upper left corner of an individual position. The main purpose of Motion detection function is to detect the sudden stop of one or more paddles/baskets. If that happens during the run and the recording is active, the red dot will be displayed in the playback panel. The red dot represents the Error in the playback panel. The function will also detect the end of a run.
By clicking and activating the Center button, the center grid lines and center circle is displayed with individual videos. If the function is activated, it will also be recorded to the video stream. The selection of Apparatus 1 (baskets) or Apparatus 2 (paddles) also has an effect on the Center function. The difference is in the radius of the center circle. The circle should fit to the paddle shaft diameter or basket rim.
Yes, the dissoGUARD is controlled with dedicated software. It has to be a desktop PC fitted with interface FireWire cards (provided with the dissoGUARD). For additional information, please, contact your local provider.
The length of cables that is provided with the dissoGUARD is 3m (10ft). With additional cable extension kit, the distance can be extended to 10m (33ft).
YES. We provide an Installation Qualification (IQ) document that covers the installation of software and hardware equipment.
NO. The purpose of measurements of all physical parameters is for control purposes only. All measurements (RPM, wobble and shaft center) are only meant to be an assistance to the user. Because it is fast and efficient, the evaluation of some physical parameters can be done daily or before each dissolution run. If the user suspects an error, Qualification procedure is advised with qualified measuring equipment.
NO. No data is recorded. Values can be seen on recorded video itself for check purposes only. That is why we do not provide an OQ documentation or procedure for the dissoGUARD.
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